Reinstalling Arch Linux

I have been using Arch Linux on my "mobile workstation" (that is, the ASUS Zephyrus M16 2021 mentioned on my GitHub readme page) for a while, and switched to Ubuntu in order to work on ROS2 projects half a year ago. However, I still miss the ease of SOTA configuration back in Arch. Some days ago, I tried to boot into my old Arch installation but found the GPG keyring had expired during the gap. Although this can be fixed by some manual operations, I eventually decided to reinstall the system. This will also give me a chance to try out some new ideas on the system.

Recap of My 2023

First time to breathed without a mask after 3 years of the pandemic, but I found myself still sticking to the slow-paced, holiday lifestyle. Less open source contribution compared to last year, and less time spent on reading books or even playing games, but I still feel my time was stolen.

Writing a Keygen for Stata

I encountered 2 courses that require Stata in my major this semester, namely Regression Analysis and Selected Topics on Statistical Methods. Stata is a proprietary statistical software, and it is not free.

Opening Chapter

This is it. Built with Nuxt and UnoCSS.